There are 7 types of chrome plating application, which faithfully reproduce the surface conditions of the material.
Protective hardchrome plating
This process is used when it is only a matter of protecting against corrosion or wear, without compliance with tolerances. Each coating is determined according to the intended objective and the thickness can vary between 5-15µm.

Hardchrome plating by measure

As the name implies, the chromoduro layer is deposited with a uniform thickness on the surface of the part, fulfilling the required tolerance values, thus allowing its assembly without mechanical finishes. Hardchrome plating by measure prevents further roughing, which is why this is the most preferred process.

Thick hardchroming
Mainly applied to parts subsequently subjected to mechanical finishes. The chrome plating is deposited with a thickness greater than the desired values and rectified according to the customer’s request. (Ex: Cylinders, shafts, rods).

Matt hardchrome plating
In this case, the pieces are textured before hard chrome plating. The surface texture can be worked on or less as needed. This type of hard chrome plating is applied conditionally, since the base texture causes formation of pitting.

Double hardchrome plating
This type of hard chrome plating is applied mainly to parts subject to high temperatures and deformations during the work process. Its application considerably reduces the possibility of formation of cracks that would otherwise easily occur due to the high expansion coefficient of the base material, when subjected to high temperatures. This method provides a high resistance to corrosion and these characteristics are acquired through the application of two differentiated hard chrome layers.
Hardchrome repair
In the case of restoration, it involves renewing the worn out hard chrome, in order to prolong its durability. The material is restored, respecting all the characteristics of the coating, thus returning it to its original state.

Localized hardchrome
It applies to situations in which there is an anomaly located in an area (or several) of the hard chrome-plated part and avoids having to renew all the existing chrome plating, carrying out the treatment only in the desired area, thus generating value by reducing costs for the client.
Other complementary services with regard to the hard chrome surface treatment are:
- Glass microsphere jet;
- Construction of suspensions coated with Plastisol;
- Surface polishing;
- External grinding (up to 3000mm between points and 400mm in diameter);
- Interior grinding (up to 400mm and 350mm in diameter);
- Flat grinding (1500x500mm)